Generate many audio files with OpenAI TTS.
This needs a config file to run on, as a yaml file in the form of:
apiKey: "your api key"
model: "tts-1-hd"
voice: "alloy"
prefix1: Line 1 content
prefix2: Line 2 content
npx @lukasbach/scripts openai/tts-bulk
You can call the script directly if you have installed it globally:
npm i -g @lukasbach/scripts
ldo openai/tts-bulk
: Config file for bulk generation-v
: Verbose logging
You can also omit options, and will be asked for them interactively.
Add --yes
to skip all confirmations.
Script source
* Generate many audio files with OpenAI TTS.
* This needs a config file to run on, as a yaml file in the form of:
* ```yaml
* apiKey: "your api key"
* model: "tts-1-hd"
* voice: "alloy"
* lines:
* prefix1: Line 1 content
* prefix2: Line 2 content
* ```
import OpenAI from "openai";
import YAML from "yaml";
type Config = {
apiKey: string;
model: string;
voice: string;
lines: Record<string, string>;
const config = YAML.parse(
await fs.readFile(await ask.path("c,config", "Config file for bulk generation", "./config.yml"), "utf-8")
) as Config;
const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: config.apiKey });
for (const [key, input] of Object.entries(config.lines)) {
const cleanedInput = input.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_");
const speechFile = `${key}_${cleanedInput}.mp3`;
if (fs.existsSync(speechFile)) {`Skipping ${speechFile}, already exists`);
const mp3 = await{
model: config.model,
voice: config.voice as any,
const buffer = Buffer.from(await mp3.arrayBuffer());
await fs.writeFile(speechFile, buffer);
log.success(`Generated ${speechFile}`);