

Configures the package.json based on user input. Some settings, like description, are also synced to the Github repo. Also fixes the repo url in the package.json based on the git remote.


npx @lukasbach/scripts node/configure-npm-repo

You can call the script directly if you have installed it globally:

npm i -g @lukasbach/scripts
ldo node/configure-npm-repo


  • --name, -n: What is the name of the package?
  • --description, -d: What is the description of the package?
  • --topics: What are the tags of the package (comma seperated)?
  • --author, -a: What is the author of the package?
  • --license, -l: What is the license of the package?
  • --funding, -f: Do you want to add funding information to the package.json?
  • -v, --verbose: Verbose logging

You can also omit options, and will be asked for them interactively.

Add --yes to skip all confirmations.

Script source

View Source on GitHub

 * Configures the package.json based on user input. Some settings, like description, are also synced to the Github repo.
 * Also fixes the repo url in the package.json based on the git remote.

const packageJson = await utils.node.getPackageJson();

const name = await ask.text("name,n", "What is the name of the package?", packageJson.name);
const description = await ask.text("description,d", "What is the description of the package?", packageJson.description);
const topics = (
  await ask.text(
    "What are the tags of the package (comma seperated)?",
    (packageJson.keywords ?? packageJson.tags)?.join(", ")
  .map((topic) => topic.trim());

const userName = (await $`git config --global user.name`).stdout;
const email = (await $`git config --global user.email`).stdout;

const author = await ask.text("a,author", "What is the author of the package?", `${userName} <${email}>`);
const license = await ask.text("l,license", "What is the license of the package?", packageJson.license);

const repositoryPromise = $`git config --get remote.origin.url`.catch(() => undefined);
const repository = (await repositoryPromise)?.stdout;

const githubUser = repository?.match(/github.com[:/](.*)\/(.*)/)?.[1] ?? "lukasbach";
const funding = await ask.text(
  "Do you want to add funding information to the package.json?",

await utils.node.amendPackageJson({
  funding: funding.length > 0 ? funding : undefined,
  keywords: topics,

if (repository && (await ask.confirm("Do you want to sync topics and description to Github?"))) {
  await $`gh repo edit --add-topic=${topics.join(",")}`;
  await $`gh repo edit --description=${description}`;