

Edit shortcuts for any scripts supported by @lukasbach/scripts that can later be used instead of the full script name. If the shortcuts file doesn't exist yet, it will be offered to be created.


npx @lukasbach/scripts edit-shortcuts

You can call the script directly if you have installed it globally:

npm i -g @lukasbach/scripts
ldo edit-shortcuts


  • -v, --verbose: Verbose logging

You can also omit options, and will be asked for them interactively.

Add --yes to skip all confirmations.

Script source

View Source on GitHub

 * Edit shortcuts for any scripts supported by @lukasbach/scripts that can later be used instead of
 * the full script name. If the shortcuts file doesn't exist yet, it will be offered to be created.

import inquirer from "inquirer";
import { defaultShortcuts } from "../core/shortcuts.js";

if (!(await fs.exists(utils.getShortcutsFile()))) {
  if (!(await ask.confirm(`Shortcuts config file ${utils.getShortcutsFile()} doesn't exist yet, create it?`))) {

  await fs.writeJson(utils.getShortcutsFile(), defaultShortcuts, { spaces: 2 });

const { shortcuts } = await inquirer.prompt({
  type: "editor",
  name: "shortcuts",
  message: "Edit shortcuts:",
  default: await fs.readFile(utils.getShortcutsFile(), "utf8"),

await fs.writeJSON(utils.getShortcutsFile(), JSON.parse(shortcuts), { spaces: 2 });