

Set's up ESM builds for a TS project. This includes updating the tsconfig, package.json, and file imports.


npx @lukasbach/scripts node/setup-esm

You can call the script directly if you have installed it globally:

npm i -g @lukasbach/scripts
ldo node/setup-esm


  • -v, --verbose: Verbose logging

You can also omit options, and will be asked for them interactively.

Add --yes to skip all confirmations.

Referenced scripts

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 * Set's up ESM builds for a TS project. This includes updating the tsconfig, package.json, and file imports.

const packageJson = await utils.node.getPackageJson();

await utils.node.addDevDependency("typescript@latest");

await utils.node.amendPackageJson({
  type: "module",
  main: undefined,
  exports: packageJson.main?.startsWith(".") ? packageJson.main : `./${packageJson.main}`,
  engines: {
    node: ">=16",
await utils.node.amendTsconfig({
  compilerOptions: {
    module: "node16",
    moduleResolution: "node16",
    target: "esnext", // optional

log.info("Updating imports...");
await utils.runScript("node/add-js-extensions-in-imports");

log.info("Remaining tasks:");
log.info(" - Make sure you have only full relative file imports: `import x from '.' -> import x from './index.js'`");
log.info(" - Prefix imports to node js packages with `node:`");
  "Full Guide: https://gist.github.com/sindresorhus/a39789f98801d908bbc7ff3ecc99d99c#how-can-i-make-my-typescript-project-output-esm"