

Initializes a Obsidian Plugin project.


npx @lukasbach/scripts init/obsidian-plugin

You can call the script directly if you have installed it globally:

npm i -g @lukasbach/scripts
ldo init/obsidian-plugin


  • [0]: Repository name


  • --name, -n: What is the name of the package?
  • --description, -d: What is the description of the package?
  • --topics: What are the tags of the package (comma seperated)?
  • --author, -a: What is the author of the package?
  • --license, -l: What is the license of the package?
  • --funding, -f: Do you want to add funding information to the package.json?
  • --name, -n: What is the name of the package?
  • --description, -d: What is the description of the package?
  • --topics: What are the tags of the package (comma seperated)?
  • --author, -a: What is the author of the package?
  • --license, -l: What is the license of the package?
  • --funding, -f: Do you want to add funding information to the package.json?
  • --path: Where do you want to create the project?
  • --bin-folder: Where should the binary be stored?
  • --bin-folder: What is the name of the CLI?
  • --commander-type: Which commander setup do you want?
  • --file, -f: Where is the gitignore file?
  • --push: Do you want to push local changes as initial commit?
  • --css: Do you want to use CSS?
  • --author: What is the author of the package?
  • --url: What is the url of the author?
  • --git: Do you want to initialize a github repository?
  • -v, --verbose: Verbose logging

You can also omit options, and will be asked for them interactively.

Add --yes to skip all confirmations.

Referenced scripts

Script source

View Source on GitHub

/** Initializes a Obsidian Plugin project. */

// TODO yet to be tested

await utils.runScript("node/setup-empty-yarn");

const useStyles = await ask.bool("css", "Do you want to use CSS?", true);

if ((await utils.node.getPackageJson()).name.startsWith("obsidian-")) {
  log.error("Please remove the obsidian- prefix from your package name.");

await utils.runScript("node/volta");

await utils.node.amendTsconfig({
  compilerOptions: {
    target: "es2019",
    module: "commonjs",
    emitDeclarationOnly: true,
    esModuleInterop: true,
    skipLibCheck: true,
    moduleResolution: "node",
    forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true,
    jsx: "react",
  include: ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.tsx", "types.d.ts"],

if (await ask.confirm("Do you want to use eslint with my default config?")) {
  await utils.runScript("node/setup-eslint", { rule: "@lukasbach/base" });

await utils.runScript("node/setup-publish-fast");

await utils.runScript("node/setup-commander");
await utils.runScript("github/setup-node-verify-action");
await utils.runScript("node/normalize-package-json");

const packageJson = await utils.node.getPackageJson();

await fs.writeJSON(
    id: packageJson.name,
    name: utils.changeCase.sentenceCase(packageJson.name),
    description: packageJson.description,
    author: await ask.text("author", "What is the author of the package?", "Lukas Bach"),
    authorUrl: await ask.text("url", "What is the url of the author?", "https://lukasbach.com"),
    minAppVersion: "0.15.0",
    version: packageJson.version,
  { spaces: 2 }

const cssArg = useStyles ? "--with-stylesheet src/styles.css " : "";
await utils.node.amendPackageJson({
  scripts: {
    build: `obsidian-plugin build${cssArg} src/main.ts`,
    dev: `obsidian-plugin dev${cssArg} src/main.ts`,
    postversion: "node version-bump.mjs && yarn build",
    release: "publish-fast",
  publish: {
    preScripts: "lint,build",
    skipPublish: true,
    releaseAssets: "dist/*",
    noVersionPrefix: true,

await fs.writeJSON("./versions.json", { [packageJson.version]: "0.15.0" }, { spaces: 2 });

await fs.ensureDir("./src");

const { name } = packageJson;
await fs.writeFile("./src/main.ts", utils.loadTemplate("obsidian-plugin/main.ts.hbs", { name }));
await fs.writeFile("./src/plugin.ts", utils.loadTemplate("obsidian-plugin/plugin.ts.hbs", { name }));
await fs.writeFile("./src/settings.ts", utils.loadTemplate("obsidian-plugin/settings.ts.hbs", { name }));
await fs.writeFile("./src/settings-tab.ts", utils.loadTemplate("obsidian-plugin/settings-tab.ts.hbs", { name }));
await fs.writeFile("./version-bump.mjs", utils.loadTemplate("obsidian-plugin/version-bump.mjs.hbs", { name }));
await fs.writeFile(
  utils.loadTemplate("obsidian-plugin/readme.md.hbs", { name, description: packageJson.description })

if (useStyles) {
  await fs.writeFile("./types.d.ts", '// Empty declaration to allow for css imports\ndeclare module "*.css" {}\n');
  await fs.writeFile("./src/styles.css", "");

await fs.appendFile(".gitignore", "\ndist\n");
await utils.runScript("deduplicate-gitignore");

if (await ask.bool("git", "Do you want to initialize a github repository?")) {
  await utils.runScript("github/create-from-local");